Christ Centered-Family Focused

Author: sherman Page 9 of 35

Happy Mother’s Day

Christian Citizenship

Every believer must submit themselves to the governing authorities because God is the one who set them up

Doing right when you’re wronged

The Christian response to being wronged is to do right toward your enemy and leave all vengeance with God.

What is baptism about?

Baptism is an outward symbol and confession of the inward reality of saving faith in Jesus Christ

Love must be Sincere

The Significant Cross

Serving God

God’s Gifts and Call are Irrevocable

Righteousness of Faith

Salvation cannot come without faith and Faith cannot come without a knowledge of God’s Word

Have God’s Promises Failed?

God is still faithful, righteous, just and gracious.  We can depend on Him to accomplish His purposes & keep His promises

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