Christ Centered-Family Focused

Author: sherman Page 16 of 35

The Race

We are called to live our lives for Christ like a marathon runner who perseveres to get to the finish line.  

Faith is…

True faith is believing God & acting on it

Keep your eyes on the prize

True Faith looks past life’s problems to Heavens Prize

Because of His Sacrifice

Our Superior High Priest

Jesus is our Superior High Priest, the one and only way to God

Our Perfect High Priest

Jesus is the Perfect High Priest who can meet our every need.

Move On

Stunted Spiritual Growth

Stunted spiritual growth is not the result of a lack of knowledge but a lack of obedience

Approach the throne of Grace

We have access to the very throne of God through our Lord Jesus Christ

Experiencing God’s Rest

When you refuse God’s best you cannot experience God’s rest

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