Christ Centered-Family Focused

Author: sherman Page 10 of 35

A Burden for Unbelievers

Wonderful Assurances

Our security rests in God ALONE

The Spirit’s Intercession

The Holy spirit helps us to express our needs/requests to the Father

When you’re suffering… Remember

The present sufferings—not worth comparing to eternal glory

Children of God

When we accept Christ as Savior we enter into a permanent & intimate relationship with God as His beloved children

Power for Righteous Living

Jesus Christ our Lord is our rescuer from the old sin nature  that lives within us

Who’s the Boss?

We must choose to be under God’s dominion instead of sin’s reign.

Dead to Sin–Alive to God

We should not be living a lifestyle of sin because we died to sin

Time to Change

Doing things the way we’ve always done them insures that we’ll continue to get the results we’ve always gotten.   

What if Jesus had never been born

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